Perfect Containers

It is very important to raise your Bettas in containers that are large enough to provide the space your Bettas need. Even though the Betta Magic™ is relatively small, it should only be used in large containers such as the one pictured below to assure maximum space for the free-swimmer, maximum water exchange and sufficient space to float plants. The optimum container will measure at least 8" in height by 8" in diameter.

This picture was taken in what we believe
to be the ultimate size for two Bettas: the
Elan Windlight, available at Crate & Barrel,
priced at $39. This particular container
holds approximately 3 gallons of water when
filled to the lip of the Betta Magic™ and may
require only a one third water change per
week. Floating freely is the plant anacharis,
and on the inside of the Betta Magic™ which
is difficult to see, is a small amount of the
same plant. Reminder: live plants will often
require replacement but are critically neces-
sary when maintaining Bettas. These plants
become the "resting" areas for Bettas who
will sleep on top of floating plants with their
mouths close to the water's surface.

The 10" bubble bowl is also another suitable container but is slightly smaller than the Windlight. A 10" bubble bowl (filled to the lip of the Betta Magic™ and one inch of gravel) provides 1.75 gallons for two Bettas.

Most of us who have grown up using the more traditional rectangular glass aquariums welcome these newer containers but you need to be warned, however, these containers are NOT suitable for children and should be only maintained by adults. Adults: these containers are a fraction of the thickness of other glass products, so be careful!

Places where you can hunt for your "perfect" container: Hobby Lobby,
Crate & Barrel, Pier 1 and Michaels.


Gravel is required when using the Betta Magic™ but not when breeding. Do not use marbles or large stones as that the enclosed Betta will slip under the Betta Magic™!